Back on Anna Plains

West-Australien & Northern Territory
1.683 Laufkilometer, Februar 2001 bis Dezember 2001
Bevor wir die landschaftlich einmalig schöne Greatsandy-Gibson- und Tanamiwüste durchqueren, müssen wir zwei weitere wilde Kamelbullen trainieren. Schon nach wenigen Wochen ist die Expedition von den schlimmsten Regenfällen seit 200 Jahren bedroht. Zum ersten Mal schlägt der Tod zu und bleibt seitdem unser ständiger Begleiter auf der 1.683 Kilometer langen Etappe.
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Busy time in Broome
Encounter with Aborigines, Escaped with a scare
Mother Earth whispers the words of the invitation to the great desert
Visit from Aboriginal women
Organization of replenishment
Edgar attacks me
Deworming of our expedition members
Great training success
The first direct transfer to the website
Jasper gives us a piece of his trust
Computer problems
Supposed monster
800 kilometers detour?
Jasper drives us to despair
Walking like on high heels
Not only camel training is dangerous
Edgar tries to bite my head
Jeremy is attacked by a shark
Hot breath burns in the lungs
Jasper learns the most important command
Preparation for further training
Suddenly the unbelievable happens
Delicious food cocktail
The eerie-looking narrow corridor
Dangerous cargo
Our Red Earth Expedition will continue
First news about our missing runaways
Highs and lows at Anna Plains Station
Unpleasant news
Dangerous breakdown
Pleasant station – Accommodation
Drive to the North West
Days of getting things done and learning
Reunion with friends and our animals
Camels found & visas arrived
Landing strips under water
Camels still on Anna Plains?
Traces discovered
Preparation for stage 2