Travel in the flow
N 47°46'39.9" E 007°42'40.0"Date:
Day: 004
Berg Hochblauen
Latitude N:
Longitude E:
Daily kilometers:
87 km
Total kilometers:
512 km
1165 meters
Travel time:
02:00 hrs.
Temperature day max:
Night temperature:
– 3°
It’s 9 a.m. when a few gentle rays of sunlight fall through the skylight and land directly on our blankets. “Uhaa!” I yawn, stretching at the same time. “I slept better than I have for a long time,” I say. “Me too. You sleep really fantastically in an alcove like this,” Tanja replies. “It kind of reminds me of the tree camps I used to build. I thought it was very cozy there too.
It was like a nest, except there were no leaves and branches lying around in our alcove,” I say dreamily. “Shall we have brunch for breakfast?” “A proper brunch would be fantastic. We haven’t done that for a while,” I reply enthusiastically. “And then we’ll go for a little hike,” Tanja suggests, full of zest for action. “That’s exactly what we’ll do,” I agree and look forward to the first real day of traveling.

With zero degrees and blue skies, we explore the area around the Schneckenhof. We enjoy the clear air, the wonderful weather and talk about the past eventful year, in which we interrupted our life’s journey for 9 months. Why does a full-time traveler have to spend 9 months at home? Two deaths in the family, a house clearance, a house renovation and the preparation for this trip were among the reasons. “I’m glad to finally have the time again to get everything off our chest,” says Tanja. “Yes, in the days and months ahead we will have plenty of opportunities and time to clear our heads,” I reply thoughtfully.
“What’s going through your head?” Tanja wants to know. “Oh, I think about the fact that some people who follow our travels wonder why we haven’t made an exact itinerary and destinations. Do they understand that sometimes it’s important to just go with the flow? That it’s not always important to plan everything through? Just being on the road is already a great gift. Getting from A to B and living according to the pleasure principle. Not to rush, but to let yourself drift.
No matter whether we miss one or two sights as a result. Stay where we like it and stay as long as it makes us feel good. Also listen to the tips that the locals give us. Just like Nicole and Achim told us about this wonderful route through the Black Forest during the video shoot yesterday,” I chat. “I agree with you in principle. But we shouldn’t forget that all our planning over the last two years has been thrown out of kilter by the pandemic, unforeseen family events and the war. Those were important reasons for not wasting any more energy on useless planning,” Tanja replies. “That’s right, the experience we’ve gained over the last few years has also contributed to our current travel style and mode of travel.” “And who knows? Maybe we’ll change things again in the near future,” Tanja ponders. “Who knows for sure. Let’s see what happens on this journey and where the river of life takes us. It will certainly remain exciting,” I reply. “Look over there, it’s the snail farm!” shouts Tanja, pointing to a plume of gray smoke spiraling out of the chimney of a large farm and into the blue sky.
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