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Stay at the Black Sea / Further planning

N 44°15'11.3'' E 028°37'16.4''

Even before we set off on the second stage, we promised ourselves that we would spend a few days relaxing by the Black Sea. It was a good decision. The energy for my texts is very good here. In addition to writing, I can also enjoy the sea. Every evening we go to one of the beach restaurants for dinner. Not the most expensive ones, of course, as long-term travelers can’t afford them. But we find a few very nice pubs with courteous staff and reasonable prices.

Only here do we study the map carefully, letting our emotions drive us to plan the next few kilometers. As we have been following the Danube so far, we don’t want to miss out on the delta. The River of Rivers, the second largest in Europe, flows into the Black Sea near the border town of Tulcea. The scenery there is said to be beautiful. We plan to spend a few days there to explore the unique 6792 square kilometer biosphere reserve on the Romanian Black Sea coast. There are also a few monasteries there, not far from the Ukrainian border. As we did not visit the famous monasteries in the Carpathians, we would at least like to pay a visit to the monasteries located between the towns of Tulcea and Isaccea. Then we continue towards the city of Galati. From there to Moldova etc. Let’s see what the coming months have in store for us.

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