I feel like a little rascal
N 48°50'715'' E 012°51'730''Day: 34
06:16 am
As the crow flies:
37.36 Km
Daily kilometers:
71.58 Km
Total kilometers:
856.92 Km
Soil condition:
Asphalt, 15% gravel
Temperature – Day (maximum):
28 °C
Temperature – day (minimum):
24 °C
Temperature – Night:
18 °C
Maximum height:
385 m above sea level
Time of departure:
09.30 a.m.
Arrival time:
4.30 p.m.
Average speed:
16.61 Km/h
“It was very nice staying with them”, we thank our very nice hosts. “Come and visit us again. Maybe to China,” they say. Mrs. and Mr. Fuchs did not pay for last night. “It was my fault for not telling them exactly where the key is,” she apologizes again. “I think I just wasn’t listening properly,” I reply.
Re-energized by the break, we make good progress. Cycling in fine weather is something new for us. It is a real pleasure and we know again why we are moving in this strenuous but healthy way and exploring the world for ourselves. I speed ahead, exhilarated and full of energy, always waiting for Tanja. We are in a good mood and could hug the world. At Bogen, I accidentally follow the wrong cycle path. It takes a full 7 kilometers before I get suspicious and realize that we are going in the completely wrong direction. Nevertheless, our mood is unbroken. What could be nicer than moving through beautiful countryside with your own muscle power in pleasant temperatures with nice people?
In the old town of Straubing we take a break at an Italian ice cream parlor and eat two big sundaes. We can afford it, because our thighs burn everything we put inside us. Green light to feast, I think to myself and order a double portion of cream. The Danube is now wider in some places. It turns into a mighty river and its flood waters recede. Many parts of the cycle path are passable again. Who knows, maybe the day’s interim vacation with the Fuchsens has saved us from one or two dilemmas? In a village we ask a man for directions. He is putting up election posters for the upcoming election. We are immediately involved in a conversation. It turns out that he is the deputy mayor. He is very interested in our trip. We talk about God and philosophize about world politics. Then we say goodbye again and continue our sunny journey.
Every bridge ascent means a special effort for us. Once we reach the top, we let our bikes race back down. We now have the strength to cycle up each of these sometimes short but steep climbs without having to dismount. Once at the top, I often wait for Tanja. Some other cyclists take the opportunity to ask me about all the luggage. Two older men are pushing their two-wheelers up the embankment. Then they start asking me. It is always nice to see the amazement again and again. By the time Tanja arrives, they have mounted their bikes and are riding down the embankment. Then I follow them. My vehicle has so much steam that I catch up with them after a short time. I press my bell so as not to lose the beautiful momentum. Apparently they can no longer hear well because they continue to drive next to each other. I overtake them in a good mood. Branches whip past my arms. “Uuuuaaaahh!”, the two old men exclaim in shock as I thunder past them and then wave after me in a good-natured and friendly manner. I feel like a little rascal that day and wish it would stay that way.