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/Pavlodar Link to the diary: TRANS-OST-EXPEDITION - Stage 3

Great commitment from our sponsors

N 52°18'18.0'' E 076°55'49.8''
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    Day: 90-95

    05:42 – 05:50

    20:09 – 19:58

    Total kilometers:
    9756.47 Km

    Temperature – Day (maximum):
    25 °C

    Temperature – day (minimum):
    16 °C



    Maximum height:
    138 m above sea level

Our sponsors managed to send all the necessary parts to riese und müller in just three days. They were assembled there and sent on their way to Kazakhstan by courier before the weekend. Fantastic! We would like to take this opportunity to thank Heiko Müller (Managing Director) and Kay Katzik (Workshop Manager) from riese und müller, Nick Becker (Managing Director) zwei plus zwei and Bob Giddens (Managing Director) from Used for their rapid assistance.

Three days after shipping, we were able to locate the clutch by trekking number in the United Arab Emirates. United Arab Emirates? What does this have to do with Kazakhstan? As the crow flies, it is 4900 kilometers from Hamburg to Dubai and 3600 kilometers from Dubai to Pavlodar. A plane would only travel 4300 kilometers from Hamburg directly to Pavlodar. This means that our part will soon have to travel twice as far before we can hold it in our hands. Crazy. Considering the huge amount of pollution that could be avoided if air traffic were better coordinated. Of course, it is because a plane does not fly to Pavlodar at all times, because the airways are not always open for political and military reasons and for many other reasons that we, as ignorant citizens, cannot understand. However, the flight path of our clutch is not a problem at this point. The main thing is that we get them before our visa expires. We are still 140 kilometers from the border between Kazakhstan and Siberia.

Now we’re sitting here in one of the typical run-down Eastern Bloc gastinizas, eagerly awaiting the new trailer coupling. We use the time to get our bikes back in shape, work on archiving our pictures, updates for the website and much more. So we are very busy. Because of the miserable microwave food that’s everywhere here, we cook on our little petrol stove that we’ve put on the broken balcony floor. Tanja comes up with many different, delicious dishes in addition to the daily fresh salad. My job is often to boil the eggs and toast bread in the small pan.

We look forward to your comments!

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