First test trip to Sicily
(Photos of the diary entry can be found at the end of the text).
One day before Christmas, we drove to Oberpframmern to pick up our Terra Love, as we named our off-road camper van. When we stood in front of the fully assembled EX412 for the first time, it left us speechless. “Can you hear my heart beating?” I asked Tanja, because I was sure that everyone must be able to hear the heavy beating.
On the way home, we were battered by a heavy winter storm so that Terra Love had to prove its worth straight away. As soon as we arrived home, we took a photo in front of the biggest Christmas present of our lives as a memento. “What do you say we go for a test drive after Christmas Eve?” I asked Tanja. “Hm, I don’t know. I actually wanted to relax a bit from all the work and just do nothing.” “Traveling with the Terra is much better than doing nothing,” I replied. “Hmmm, I think you’re right. What do you say we visit our friends in Sicily?” Tanja’s sudden change of heart almost knocks my socks off. “Damn good idea”, I replied, whereupon we packed our things to spontaneously go on a test trip to the volcano Etna, which was spitting at this time of year, and celebrate the New Year with our friends in southern Sicily…