N 50°13'56.4'' E 106°12'33.3''Day: 91-93
06:29 – 06:32
19:14 – 19:10
Total kilometers:
13932.96 Km
Temperature – Day (maximum):
21 °C
Temperature – day (minimum):
8 °C
Temperature – Night:
1 °C
We spend the first few days in the small town of Sühbaatar to get used to the country a little and to rest from the past exertions. The weather is changeable and daytime temperatures fluctuate between 8 and 20 degrees. As our room faces north, not a ray of sunlight falls through the window. It is unpleasantly cool. Tanja has washed the dirty laundry in our little Ortlieb folding basin, which is now hanging on a line in our room and won’t dry at a room temperature of 17 degrees. I spend most of my time on my laptop writing about our experiences and my thoughts. Tanja has found an Internet connection in town. She spends many hours of the day there, answering the numerous emails that have piled up in the meantime. In the late afternoon, we meet in a small family restaurant. The cook welcomes us into her simple kitchen with a smile. We use sign language and interpretations to put the food together and manage to get a tasty noodle soup without meat. Compared to Russia, it is much cheaper here. A filling meal costs around 2,000 tugrik (0.95 euro cents) and a beer costs 1,200 tugrik (0.57 euro cents). It is not easy to provide for yourself properly at the moment, as there is hardly any fresh fruit or vegetables to buy in the stores. The main products on offer are cheap ready-made soups, often from China. There are cookies from Germany, various potato chips and snacks, some tinned fish and canned pickles. Not necessarily satisfying for a cyclist who is always hungry and wants to eat healthily. Nevertheless, we are beginning to get used to this new country.