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Everyone is able to surf the wave of positive energy

N 52°59'36.5'' E 049°49'06.6''

I sit pensively and watch the thick snowflakes blow past the window in the frosty wind, now at minus seven degrees. It seems to me that winter has waited so long for us to jump safely into the basket. Just one day later and we would have had to chase our horses through driving snow. Or frozen fingers in the current temperatures of up to nine degrees below zero. Luck again? Destination? Or are we humans actually subject to an energetic order of “All That Is”? An order that could also be called divine. A vibration in which everyone can move if they ask for it, if they allow it. A vibration in which everyone can resonate. Every human being. Without exception. If we humans consist of energy that is imperishable, then we humans are an energetic part of everything that exists. Everything that exists consists of energy. If you look at it scientifically rather than spiritually, energy exists in various forms, such as mechanical, thermodynamic, magnetic and electromagnetic, chemical, electrical, radiant and nuclear energy. In a spiritual sense, from my human perspective, I would also categorize energy as positive and negative for us. Which is why I think that the energy waves in which we move or with which we surround ourselves have different effects on us humans. For example, the monastery here. A place full of positive energy. People pray, sing and hold liturgies. No one is loud, shouting or screaming. At least for me, there is no visible dispute. There is no television that broadcasts scary movies, thrillers or war films, for example. There are no news reports of murder, terror, assassinations, natural disasters and mass deaths. In other words, a place where everyone who is here contributes to keeping the energy clean and pure. This energy can be felt one hundred percent. Even people who are not sensitive can feel the peace and quiet in a monastery. This energy is a vibration that is not only found behind monastery walls. It exists everywhere and is not limited by anything. This means that we can also feel and maintain this wave of energy in our daily lives. This is at the discretion of the individual. Whether he wants it or not. If you want to resonate in this form of energy, this will happen. This in turn requires us to keep away from all evil as far as possible. To steer clear of a drunk. Not to surround yourself with people who show a criminal disposition. Do not return the gaze of someone who appears aggressive. React positively to people in a bad mood. For example, if I also react negatively, I automatically enter the negative vibrational level. The result is inevitably conflict and strife. So, it is largely in our own hands how we experience the day.

For Tanja and me, the many positive events on this trip are no coincidence, no luck, but for us these events are part of a coincidence, the flow of positive energy. Of course, we don’t know whether we can maintain this vibration forever. We would like to, but it doesn’t happen by itself. We humans have to work on this, we should live consciously, be in the here and now, stand with both feet on the skin of Mother Earth.

We can hardly imagine a better ending

However. We made it just in time. Timing that is almost impossible to plan. We enjoy the days in the monastery and feel they are another gift. I can write down the rest of my experiences in peace and quiet while Tanja takes care of our last registration. We get help there too, because when Tanja is in a jam and is sent back by the officials, she manages to convince them to call the convent. The nun Katja immediately asks the convent chauffeur to drive her to the distant office building. She has a large bag with a thick old monastery stamp. In the presence of the officials, she stamps the necessary papers. We are now official guests of the monastery and get our registration stamp on the entry document. Michael helps us to get the flight tickets. Our bikes do not need to be packed and cost only ? 40,-. So nothing stands in the way of our journey home.

Katja picks us up later. We are allowed to accompany her and the nun Agnes as they ring the church bells. From up here at this late afternoon hour, everything looks enchanted. While the two nuns pull the bell ropes, creating a beautiful melodic tune, we gaze at the monastery buildings covered in a light white glow. As in Marta si Maria, we begin to feel more at ease within these sacred walls. Again, we become a small part of it. In the evening we are visited by Katja. She gives me a blessed, beautiful prayer chain and Tanja her own teddy bear. Again, we cannot refuse. Michael also visits us. Translates our stories into Russian. He has arranged for a cab minibus to take us and our riese und müller to the airport. We look at pictures of our trip on the laptop together. Katja talks about her convent. From the past of the sacred walls. The fact that over 700 nuns once lived here. Almost all the nuns were murdered during the Russian Revolution of 1905. About the fact that many nuns tried to save themselves on a boat across the Volga and this boat was sunk. She says that people were able to observe how many white birds flew into the sky when the boat sank. We hear about rules and customs. Are invited to watch the icon painters at work.

Every day we sit with the nuns, sisters and brothers in the dining room and enjoy the good meals while a prayer leader recites prayers. There are whispers and whispers. Then the bell rings. The meal is over. We stand up. There is a prayer, then singing and everyone leaves the hall. We are allowed to sit down again and continue eating. Thank goodness, because there’s not enough time to feed a hungry cyclist.

We take part in the liturgies in the morning and evening. An old nun lightly grabs Tanja’s arm. Hold out your hand to her and give her 50 roubles. “There you have some money. Russian money. Buy yourself something for it,” she says affectionately. Tanja is speechless. What should she say? Reject? Tears roll down Tanja’s cheeks. I am also ashamed of the altruism of these people here. We enjoy the atmosphere, the clear and bright voices of the nuns singing their songs, which sound strange to us. We enjoy the romantic light of the countless candles in the stands and chandeliers. It is a wonderful end to this cycle tour, we could hardly imagine a more beautiful one.

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