Corrupt officials! Bandits robbing the train

Link to the diary: TRANS-OST-EXPEDITION – Stage 1
3.000 km Radabenteuer – Juli bis Oktober 2005
Deutschland, Österreich, Slowakei, Ungarn, Serbien, Rumänien
Am Bodensee beginnt für uns ein neues Abenteuer, dessen Ausmaß wir von Beginn an nicht abschätzen können. Die ersten 3.000 Radkilometer führen uns entlang der mächtigen Donau nach Österreich, in die Slowakei, nach Ungarn, Serbien und Rumänien bis kurz vors Schwarze Meer. Einer der regenreichsten Sommer, Zeckenbisse, ein Sturz vom Rad, lebensgefährlicher Schwerlastverkehr, Verletzungen, Straßendiebe aber auch die unbeschreibliche Schönheit der so abwechslungsreichen Donaulandschaft und viele liebenswerte Menschen unterschiedlichster Volksgruppen lassen den Trip zu einem einmaligen Erlebnis werden.
THANK YOU! More plans! Summary!
Miss the days under the stars! Fair distribution!
Farewell to a golden fall
Fantastic accommodation on the Danube
Figures mutating in the darkness
Hotel Dracula 1
Mountains, cloudburst, thieving Sinti
Breathtakingly beautiful riverside road
Rocky Special
What is there to laugh about?
Lousy trucker accommodation
The dance teacher Davor Dulic. 100 kilometers headwind
One day longer
Serbia welcomes us with open arms. Wow! Wow! The drum shakes
Hospitality. In a wet tent at the entrance to the village?
Employees open their hearts
Hungarian television
Surprise visit
I feel like a walrus
As if conjured out of a hat
Traffic mania
Ticket control
The most charming landscapes! Deadly black rubber!
Everything will pass, even the pain!
Back pain
Wet and cold showers
Sudden change
Motivation killer
Close to the border
Cheering the wave of joy into the sky
Relief for the muscles
Off to Hungary
Center of a world empire, world-class exhibition
Camel drive in the mountains, Roar of the lion, Unleashed power
Camel riding school
New record
Treasure chest of experiences
Is the black sea calling us?
Proud of my friend
Tanja’s birthday
Dream landscape, dream weather, big muscles
To despair
I feel like a little rascal
Thanks for the emails! Hungry floods! The first bed
Imagine a golden egg!
Flaring up dialogues with Mother Earth?
Continuous rain
Mount Everest
Strange visit
Liquid manure splash
Storm front
Satisfied with our performance
On the Danube
They are not going to Burma but to a mud bath!
Farmer camp
What should I write?
Updates and improvements to the wheel technology
Exhilarating descent
Paradise shores
Long live the camping vacation!
A sun-drenched morning
Critical mass reached on the third day!
Do they even know where Burma is?
Fiction becomes reality
Explanation of the great journey
Foreword: Unknown, dangerous Russia?