Camel riding school
N 48°16'037'' E 015°16'877''Day: 45
06:22 am
7:31 pm
Total kilometers:
1163.76 Km
Temperature – Day (maximum):
26 °C
Temperature – day (minimum):
20 °C
Temperature – Night:
16 °C
Maximum height:
290 m above sea level
“That’s Kreka,” explains Gerda, stroking the beak of the big black raven. On the way to the breakfast room, Gerda shows us the grounds of the rubber factory and introduces us to the many other residents. A llama called Gelio sticks his unconventional head through the bars of his den and wiggles his huge ears. The cat No Name crosses our path. Marselle, (later renamed Bochri) the one-year-old camel cub, peers curiously around the corner of the house. Some of his adult conspecifics also look up as we pass by. Others, on the other hand, enjoy snacking on stalks of hay. A group of ostriches roll their eyes and when I pull out my camera they only show me their backs. “I didn’t know you had a real zoo here?” I say, delighted by the abundance of wildlife. Two French deer dogs greet us wagging their tails and sniffing at our trouser legs. Horses graze in the nearby pasture and we discover ponies in the stables. “For our little riders,” explains Gerda. We are introduced to Gerda’s sisters Hilde and Ilse in the light-flooded breakfast room. Jacko the parrot also sits on the back of the chair as a guest and keeps us company. It doesn’t take long before we become friends. While I talk about our travels, he makes himself comfortable on my shoulder and wants to nibble my earlobe from time to time.