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Russia/Troitskoye Link to the TRANS-OST-EXPEDITION diary - stage 4

Wonderful surprise

N 52°07'43.2'' E 107°13'58.0''
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    Day: 77

    06:59 – 07:07

    20:44 – 20:32

    Total kilometers:
    13571.09 Km

    Temperature – Day (maximum):
    23 °C

    Temperature – day (minimum):
    15 °C

    Temperature – Night:
    7 °C




I certainly can’t say that I had any special ideas for my birthday, but I wanted it to be different! Of course I’m sad that Denis got injured and that takes the lightness out of the day. But of course the universe and “All That Is” won’t leave me hanging on my birthday either and has a wonderful surprise in store for us. In the form of this unexpectedly pleasant accommodation. I can actually buy a bottle of red wine in the small town. The label shows a monastery with golden roofs and the writing reveals that the Kjagor Monastirski comes from Bulgaria. A small sticker even advertises with the statement: “Wina Naturalnie”. (Natural wine) We sit down in the beautiful garden of the Sportlerkurhaus and I finally get the birthday table I’ve been waiting for. Even the ancient Greeks treated their wine with amethysts and recognized the special effect of the gemstones even before our era. Of course, you can’t conjure up the bouquet of a “wine of the century” from a mediocre wine. But on this special day for me, I am delighted to refine my birthday wine and pour the Phiolino into our glasses. Of course, this is not the original reason why we have the Phiolino from VitaJuwel with us on our trip. Unfortunately, we always have to buy water that is stored in plastic bottles. Sometimes the water tastes terrible and I hardly like drinking it. I was used to energizing our water with gemstones at home, but until recently I hadn’t found the right solution for travelling. Until we realized that the VitaJuwel also has a little brother, the Phiolino. A small glass rod that fits into any cup and contains an amethyst and rock crystal granules. After just 10 minutes, the gemstones transform the water into a tasty miracle for me! We sit like this, enjoying the evening sun and gazing at the beautiful flowers. Siberian forests in the background. The birthday cake is replaced by raspberry yoghurt spelt wafers and Samba hazelnut chocolate slices from Rapunzel. All cycled here especially for today. I already miss my friends and family at this moment and imagine us all being together again. Happy to have my Denis so well beside me, feeling healthy and full of energy myself, I am still grateful to be in the here and now, exactly where we are right now. In addition to this satisfaction, there will certainly always be unfulfilled wishes. For today, it is the wish for a healthy and happy future for our beloved Mother Earth. Trees are a contribution to the preservation of our wonderful Mother Earth, please help the green vein to grow:

We ask you to donate trees. Trees that give us air to breathe. Habitat for insects and birds. Living space for the earth’s population in future years.

The donations do not benefit us financially in the slightest. Everything you give goes to Mother Earth!!! We guarantee this with our life project and our name.

Donations are very welcome at:
Bergwaldprojekt e.V.
Keyword:Green vein
GLS Community Bank
SORT CODE 43060967
Account number 8022916200

Mother Earth is alive!

We look forward to your comments!

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