Unsolved mysterious phenomenon of our earth
N 23°21'57.7'' E 139°39'17.9''Marion Downs-Camp – 08.09.2002
We haven’t seen the inside of a car for almost four months and suddenly we’re rumbling along the dust track at an exhilarating speed. The dry landscape whizzes past us. Every now and then I spot a few cattle in the shade of some half-dead trees. Just the day before yesterday we would have shared the little bit of shade with the cattle, but the situation has suddenly changed. Here, in this air-conditioned passenger compartment, leaning back in the well-padded seat, nature has lost its harshness. Waves of thoughts storm through my head again. Has nature really lost its toughness? Just yesterday I spoke to my parents on the farm phone and learned about the terrible floods in Germany. Those who are affected know that nature never loses its toughness. It doesn’t matter whether we retreat to cities. Whether we straighten or dam our rivers and build our houses directly on their banks. The boundaries we are able to draw do not protect us humans from the terrible consequences of some natural disasters. It is frightening to have to witness that some of the disasters are produced by us humans and a tragedy for those who have to suffer from them.
“Here we are,” says Robert as we drive into a tiny roadside village, which is called a town here in the outback. Boulia is located at the Bullu Bullu waterhole and can look back on a long history. Burke and Wills passed through here in 1861. They set up camp at Wills River 33. Burke and Wills did not survive their expedition and died in tragic circumstances on their way back. When Tanja and I learn that the two death row prisoners have passed by here, we immediately think of the loss of our camels. Even today it is still easy to get lost out there and die.
A visit to the Min Min Center is indeed very interesting. We listen to the many stories and reports of the people who have seen it. Many were terrified of the mysterious light. Some wanted to catch it. Some thought it was a campfire and followed the light until they got lost in the eternal wilderness. Robert tells me the story of a little boy who watched the light from his room. One day he went out to catch it and never came back. There is still no explanation for these light phenomena. Sometimes there are two balls of light that look like car headlights. It is then reported that the balls of light spin in circles, fly apart and then reunite. It is not uncommon for it to stand still, only to move suddenly. Many people say that they were literally chased by the light, but then at some point it disappeared. It appears in a dark red, light blue or rich green. It can flit across the earth like lightning or flicker like a candle. It is undoubtedly one of the most unsolved, enigmatic and mysterious phenomena on our planet…