Tracks through virgin snow
N 66°03'15.5" E 13°42'04.9"
Day: 116
Blood road
Daily kilometers:
181 km
Total kilometers:
8404 km
Soil condition:
Bridge crossings:
Tunnel passages:
09:30 a.m.
2:14 pm
Temperature day max:
Night temperature min:
minus 5°
5 km/h
Time of departure:
11:00 a.m.
Arrival time:
(Photos of the diary entry can be found at the end of the text).
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In the morning, the forest around us is covered in a beautiful blanket of fresh snow. The air smells fresh, just like we know it from a winter’s day. A few clouds of mist rise up from the nearby Luonosjåhkå river. The rising sun casts a pale, faint purple ray over the hills. We enjoy the tranquillity of the solitude, walk across the bridge, which is actually far too small for our Terra and only has a low load-bearing capacity. A fresh vehicle track bears witness to the presence of human civilization. Apparently someone actually lives on the other side of the river. This place would also be well worth spending a few days in, but we don’t know what lies ahead and how long it will still be possible to travel carefree in the north of the country without snow chains. According to the warnings we have heard time and time again, it is quite possible that the roads will be completely snowed over from one day to the next and will only be reopened to traffic once the snow clearance service has cleared them of the white splendor. Some of the mountain roads are already impassable and closed at this time of year, so we have to plan our return journey to the south accordingly. Even though I am tempted to travel with our Terra Love in the Nordic winter to get to know Norway at this time of year, I have great respect for it and take the warnings seriously.
In third gear of the off-road reduction, the Terra pulls two wide tire tracks through the virgin snow and slowly and easily works its way up the forest path to the freshly cleared and salted E6. Nevertheless, the road lies under a hard, closed layer of snow, which in some places is compacted into a layer of ice. Although we have had frosty conditions for about a week now, it seems as if winter has finally conquered the country. “Will the weather stay like this?” asks Tanja, looking ahead with concentration because of the partly slippery road. “Could be. But I could also imagine that it gets warmer and starts to rain with every kilometer south. We’ll see,” I reply, as several cars overtake us, throwing gravel into the air alongside the many grains of salt, which rattles unpleasantly loudly against the windshield…