They swirl through the powdery snow like gigantic monsters from prehistoric times
N 66°03'15.5" E 13°42'04.9"
Day: 116
Blood road
Daily kilometers:
181 km
Total kilometers:
8404 km
Soil condition:
Bridge crossings:
Tunnel passages:
09:30 a.m.
2:14 pm
Temperature day max:
Night temperature min:
minus 5°
5 km/h
Time of departure:
11:00 a.m.
Arrival time:
(Photos of the diary entry can be found at the end of the text).
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At 12:00 noon, the sun is only a few meters above the horizon and throws some of its bright rays into the cab through a dark hole in the clouds. Narrowing my eyes into slits, I pull the sun visor down so that I can see again. At that moment, a convoy of trucks comes thundering towards us. Gusts of wind blow across the plateau, tearing the fresh snow from the land and sweeping it across the road. The scenario that unfolds before our eyes is unreal, almost a little spooky. “Get the camera out of your bag!” I shout excitedly to Tanja, as I really want to capture this crazy, beautiful and fascinating picture. Like gigantic monsters from prehistoric times, each of the heavy trucks whirls up powdery snow and drags an imaginary white wall of fog behind it that dances across the road like the tail of a dragon. Wuuummm! Wuuummm! Wuuummm!, the first kings of the road roar past us. Their snow chains rattle so loudly that you’d think we were being hissed at by the iron beasts. Our Terra is swaying in the wake of the metal monsters. I clutch the steering wheel with iron fists to keep my lane on the mirror-smooth surface. Before we know it, the spook is over again. It is quiet except for the steady hum of our engine. The dancing snow ghosts on the road have disappeared into the vast landscape. As if Mother Earth were ending the act of the play with the fall of a curtain, the sun abruptly disappears behind the dark wall of clouds. “Puhaaa! What a spell. That was awesome! Did you manage to take any photos?” I ask excitedly. “I think so. I don’t know if they turned out, but I pressed the shutter a few times.” As the sun sinks further behind the wall of clouds towards the horizon, the landscape has lost its color and face. A freight train comes out of the darkness behind us. Trailing a plume of snow behind it, it thunders loudly past us, only to disappear again into nothingness on the horizon in front of us…