The skin of the mother drum belongs to all of us
N 23°41'19.5'' E 141°24'52.7''Remarkabel-Camp – 10.10.2002
Tanja’s bite wound has made further progress and seems to be out of the woods. We are relieved. Jafar and Istan’s condition is also good. Sebastian is in a terribly bad mood during the store today. Öööhhhäää, öööhhhäää, he whines incessantly. “Is something hurting you?” I ask him, speaking more to myself. “Öööhhhäää, of course something hurts, öööhhhäää. My muscles are burning, my body is tired. If you want to know for sure, I’ve had it up to here. Being constantly loaded and unloaded, running and resting far too short. I want something good to eat and I want mountains of it. I want to go where there’s lots of greenery.” “But you’ve only had a longer rest with mountains of hay,” I object. “Oööhhhääää, fiddlesticks. I want to have hay mountains like this forever and not just for a few weeks.” Oh Sebastian, you’ll never get your throat full, will you?” “Öööhhhääää,” he replies.
As suggested by Alex, we follow the fence, later walk through the open gate and then make our way along another fence in a north-easterly direction. It’s hot again. Neither of us says a word. We walk on in silence, kilometer by kilometer. At times, it is torture and torment for body and mind. My thoughts leave my body and fly around. Suddenly we see kangaroos hopping through the flickering mirages in front of us. “Do you notice anything?” the voice of the desert, rarely heard lately, asks me. “What should I notice?” “Well, you’re thinking about the purpose of your walk again. You must finally understand that this path you are walking has a very deep meaning for you. That the path through the deserts of Australia has led you deep into your own self. Or do you still doubt that?” “No, but when it’s as exhausting as it is in these moments, the annoying questions of meaning come up again and again.” “Ignore them and look at nature instead. Learn from us. Perceive us. Breathe us. Stay attentive. Don’t become dull and don’t take the events around you for everyday life. See them as miracles. Look at them from a different perspective. You have the possibilities. All the possibilities. Do you understand?” “I think I do.” “So what do you see?” “Kangaroos. I see kangaroos jumping over the ground. They’re jumping through a mirage.” “Yes, very good. And what does your observation tell you?” “Hm…, I don’t know. Something is different. You’re right. But what?” “You know it. Let it flow. Watch the kangaroos and your feet.” “My feet?” I ask the desert in amazement and look down. Back and forth, back and forth. Step, step, step. Left foot, right foot. What’s different than usual?” “Nothing is different than usual. Just your perspective. The way you look at the events happening around you has changed in recent years. Or has it? So watch the kangaroos.” “I don’t know. First I’m supposed to watch the kangaroos and then my feet. Is there a connection between my walking feet and the kangaroos…?” “Think about it…”
“Step, step. Back and forth. Stomp, stomp. Hop, hop. Step, step. My God yes! Yes! There’s a connection between my feet and the kangaroos. It’s the same rhythm. My feet hit the ground in the same rhythm as the kangaroos hop across the plain in front of us.” “Very good… And go on.” “Go on?” “Yes, go on. That’s not all.” “Hm, we have the same rhythm. It’s the same vibration. The same wave. The same language? Yes, we beings walk on the skin of Mother Earth. It’s like the beating of a drum. A great mother drum. It is indeed a kind of language. An understanding. Through my steps I beat on the skin. The kangaroo’s hopping makes it hit the skin. We create vibrations. Vibrations can be measured. It is like the language of the presenter that comes clearly and distinctly from the loudspeaker of our radio over a certain frequency. Is that why I hear your voice?” “Yes, that’s one way you’re talking to us, at least at the moment. What is it supposed to show you? What does this insight tell you?”
“Hm…, we are all connected. We all live on the same planet. On the same skin. It’s the same message over and over again. A message not to destroy this skin so that we are not separated from each other. So that humans and nature remain one. Without you, the surface we walk on every day will be pulled out from under our feet. So we have to be careful what we do with this skin. It’s ultimately the same as our own skin on our bodies.” “Good. That’s right. Maybe you should express yourself differently and just face the fact that all humans are connected to kangaroos. That all people are subject to a rhythm that you can also call the mother rhythm or earth rhythm. It’s like the heartbeat. The heartbeat in whose rhythm you vibrate together. In this case, the kangaroo symbolizes connection and rhythm. There are many symbols and you humans have a close connection with us, i.e. with the various habitats of nature, such as the outback, the deserts, the primeval forests, the mountains, the oceans and the poles. Don’t forget that there are no limits with us. It all belongs together. That everything is part of the system. That you humans finally understand and don’t cause yourselves even more harm by clinging to materialism. Tell the others. Write about it.
Also tell them that you can’t own the skin of the drum. How is that supposed to work? You humans can only borrow a piece of it for your lifetime. But you can’t own them. You can exploit the piece of skin, dig deep holes, throw your waste at it and then pass it on to your descendants. But don’t forget, you can’t own the skin of the earth. It is part of the general communication system. It is the rhythm of life and the food source on which you stand, walk or build your cities. But remember, the skin can never belong to one person. It always belongs to everyone, regardless of race or skin color. You only borrowed your own skin for a few years. When you die, it goes back into the general public, into Mother Earth. So think about what you do with the skin you live on. Remember that the skin of the mother earth, the skin of the mother drum, is just as impossible to possess as the air we breathe. It is the common property of all inhabitants of this planet. Earth and air belong to kangaroos just as much as to humans. It is important to understand that it is madness to start a war over the skin you call land. That won’t get you anywhere. Do you now see how important this approach is? What connections are there between your walking feet and the hopping kangaroos? Where can this realization lead you? Do you realize that this small insight can show you a path to infinity? So stop asking yourself about the sense and nonsense of your undertakings. The efforts guide you into other worlds, are tools to open your mind…”
During the intensive conversation, I hardly noticed how time flew by. I hardly noticed that we had been walking at full speed over the skin of Mother Earth for almost seven hours, covering 34 kilometers. At the foot of a strange but beautiful-looking mountain, we find some shade under a few trees. I put our brave animals down and if Jasper hadn’t vomited most of his stomach contents on Tanja’s shirt today, everything would have gone smoothly. “My God. It stinks like you fell into a cesspit. Was that a fresh shirt?” “Yes, of course. Jasper only spits on fresh shirts,” Tanja replies.
Only half an hour after sunset, we are already in our beds. The sparse light of the waxing moon casts its cold light onto the endless plain. The volcano-like mountain, whose peak has been decapitated by erosion, proudly displays its unconventional beauty. The black stones on the floor glisten slightly in the moonlight. “If this isn’t a perfect landing site for a UFO, then I don’t know where else the boys want to show us,” says Tanja. “Yes, they’ll have to hurry. In 300 kilometers we’ll reach the first settlements, then we’ll hardly have a chance of seeing one,” I reply with a smile and enjoy the pleasant breeze that dispels the last of the hot daytime air.