N 43°23'56.3" E 003°19'30.3"Date:
Day: 012 – 015
Camp 11
Latitude N:
Longitude W:
Total kilometers:
1855 km
3 meters
Temperature day max:
14 °
Night temperature:
Minus 11°

The rain continues relentlessly, plunging the days into an impenetrable sea of gray haze. The thundering waves greedily crash onto the soaked beach as if they wanted to swallow it up. While I dedicate myself to editing our videos, Tanja is drawn out for long walks with our dog Ajaci, who is clearly having fun romping around in the rain.
In between, I make phone calls to sponsors and old friends to involve them in our journey. In a particularly cordial conversation I reach
Gerald, my friend of many years, with whom I undertook my first expedition to the then still dangerous Auka Indians in the jungle of Ecuador back in 1987. “You absolutely have to visit the famous Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao,” he enthuses. “And don’t forget to try the Basque cuisine – it really is a culinary experience. The language there is unique and ancient, a living piece of history,” he advises us enthusiastically. But despite the exciting prospects, it is important to relax first, continue to familiarize ourselves with the technology and get into the right travel rhythm to cope with all the challenges ahead. Inner peace and serenity are the key to a life worth living. Fortunately, we feel comfortable in this secluded environment. Apart from a few locals, there are hardly any people to be seen, and despite the persistent rainfall, we haven’t sunk into the water yet…
We look forward to your comments!