Technical super disaster
N 52°20'05.0'' E 009°48'28.7''Date:
03.08 2020 until 06.08.2020
Day: 001 – 004
Daily kilometers:
565 km
Total kilometers:
565 km
Travel time:
07:00 hrs.
Soil condition:
Temperature day max:
Night temperature:
3:00 p.m.
Arrival time:
9:30 p.m.
Click here for the podcast!
Link to the current itinerary
On the last evening of our training, we sit with Martin in his apartment. He prepared delicious flamed salmon for us over an open fire. “Hmmm tastes really delicious,” I praise, taking a sip of the equally tasty Franconian beer that Martin has bought specially, when Ajaci suddenly jumps up. I watch in horror as our laptop flies into the air, somersaults smoothly and lands on the floor with a nasty noise. “What was that!” I shout, jumping up and rushing to the laptop. The screen shows a strange blue font. Next to the computer is the external hard disk to which I had just transferred some data. “Ajaci got his tail caught in the cables,” explains Tanja. I switch the computer off and on again. Fortunately, it boots up and everything looks normal on the desktop. “Nothing’s happening,” says Tanja, relieved. “I don’t know, let’s test the hard disk first,” I reply. It’s definitely not broken. She’s gone soft,” Martin tries to reassure me. I plug it into the laptop, the indicator light comes on, but it doesn’t boot. “In the bin,” I curse in frustration. “It contains all our data that we need for the trip.” “Do you still have a backup with you?” Martin wants to know. “Yes, I always take a second hard disk with me.” “Well, then you’re on the safe side,” he consoles. “I’m going to buy a hard disk online right now,” I reply.
The next day I actually get the hard disk I’ve been longing for. An error occurs when transferring the data and God knows why all passwords are deleted. Fortunately, we left a hard disk with our friends Andrea and Thomas for safekeeping before we left. We have been doing this for years before every trip. This time we have to use the third backup. One reason why we will back up our data to a cloud in the future.