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Russia/Nizhny Ingash Link to the TRANS-OST-EXPEDITION diary - stage 4

Mother Russia

N 56°12'15.8'' E 096°32'34.9''
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    Day: 23-24

    04:54 – 04:55

    22:17 – 22:16

    Total kilometers:
    11163.41 Km

    Temperature – Day (maximum):
    30 °C

    Temperature – day (minimum):
    22 °C

    Temperature – Night:
    16 °C




In the most beautiful and friendliest time of year, I only get a hint of how inhospitable the country can be. After a rain shower with hailstones, we are wet and frozen out in no time and wish for a hot meal. After a dusty road trip with an overdose of mosquitoes, we want to wash the crust of suntan lotion, mosquito repellent and road dust off our itchy bodies. Quite normal, human needs that you have even in our home country Germany after a muddy and rainy ride. But I also have a home that I can go to and know that the unpleasant situation will be over in a relatively short or foreseeable time.

What I like so much here is arriving at a gastiniza, for example, where we unexpectedly have to lug our luggage up to the third floor, but then I find a large steaming kettle in the corridor with hot water for tea. The little things in life become big again and modesty takes hold. Nothing new, as we all know, and yet it requires many repetitions in our human lives. In order to learn and maintain a lasting connection to clarity and not get lost in the noise of our thoughts. Where we grumble and swear about situations that just can’t be changed. Serenity makes some things easier to bear and the negative dissolves. This is a lesson that Mother Russia is helping me to deepen and internalize.

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