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Ukraine/Feodosiia, Crimea

Many thanks to our sponsors

N 45°03'07.2'' E 035°23'00.7''

After almost 5,000 kilometers of cycling through eight countries, Tanja and I would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to all our sponsors. We would also like to thank our suppliers and partners. More information can be found under the heading Suppliers and Partners.

It’s amazing that our riese und müller bikes haven’t had a single repair to date, and I’ll knock on wood here. And this despite the heavy payload, the heavily loaded trailers equipped with the robust and lightweight boxes from ZARGES GmbH & Co KG. It’s simply unbelievable and fantastic what the bikes can withstand on the bad, grotty roads, some of which can’t be described as roads.

The Rohloff AG gears are also running smoothly despite the incessant upshifting and downshifting. Praise for this fantastic development, which is a real enrichment for cycling.

And although Schwalbe is not one of our sponsors, we can’t fail to mention their truly legendary tires. Only one flat tire in 5000 kilometers with two wheels and two trailers. And this despite the sea of shards and splinters on traffic arteries where absolutely everything is thrown away. Without a doubt, the brand can be recommended.

Just like Magura, our braking system, which has never let us down.

And of course the waterproof bags from our loyal and friendly sponsor Ortlieb Sportartikel GmbH. They have been doing their job on our bikes for two years. And how could it be otherwise, the bags deliver what they promise, absolutely guaranteed.

Bayer MaterialSience AG and UVEX SPORTS GmbH & Co. KG should also be mentioned, who provide us with lightweight helmets and goggles made of the shatterproof material Makrolon. These indispensable items of equipment are important for our daily safety.

At this point, our long-standing and loyal sponsor Fjällräven Sportartikel Handelsgesellschaft mbh should not be missing under any circumstances, because even though we usually wear GONSO clothing on the bike, Fjällräven equipment is indispensable for us and a constant companion. Our clothing on the excursions without the bike, the tent, sleeping bags etc. is also extremely important for this trip and its success.

We deliberately chose shoes from HANWAG Sportschuhfabrik because a click system didn’t make sense for our bike tour. Too often we have to push our bikes, too often we are out on shorter excursions where we don’t need a cycling shoe but a sensible and comfortable running shoe. However, the weight doesn’t allow us to carry two pairs of different shoe systems, so HANWAG is the ideal solution for us and we get on very well with it.

Of course, there is one small but important exception. We also own a pair of sandals from SOURCE. For us, the best outdoor sandal on the market, which has served us faithfully on many of our expeditions. There is no way we would want to do without this robust and comfortable sandal. For us, it means adventure and leisure at the same time, and that’s exactly how we use it on our travels. The hydration systems that we carry on our bikes at all times and that provide us with the water we need to survive whenever our bodies feel thirsty are also from SOURCE. SOURCE is represented by ARTIACH Deutschland GmbH.

Another important and long-standing sponsor worth mentioning is the company. Brettschneider long-distance travel supplies. We have had to protect ourselves from mosquitoes ever since we started traveling. The best way to do this during the day is with good clothing and a mosquito spray and at night with a good mosquito net. We get both from Brettschneider. In many countries, protection against mosquitoes is essential for survival due to the risk of malaria. Here in the East, it often saves us that all-important sleep or protects us from ticks.

Yes, and while we’ve been talking about technology and clothing all this time, I mustn’t forget those who give our bodies the energy they need to perform. First of all, we would like to mention our loyal and dear sponsor Rapunzel Naturkost AG, who provided us with muesli bars, muesli, chocolate and many other delicious foods in the deserts of Australia. Especially here in the former Eastern Bloc countries, food is becoming increasingly chemicalized and often comes from the microwave. A real nightmare for the human body. We can’t always avoid the food we call plastic food. Only if we have the chance and our loading capacity allows it, then we are happy about real food from Rapunzel and not, as Tanja often says, the euthanasia from the fast food store.

Simpert Reiter GmbH with its Travellunch, the high-quality freeze-dried ready-to-eat food in a bag, has also been an integral part of all our trips for many years. Tasty food has often saved us from major hunger pangs, and delicious meals have often given us the energy we need to keep going. A fantastic expedition food.

And since we are of course not always able to prepare a healthy Rapunzel meal and are not always able to eat the food from Travellunch, we are forced to eat from the stores in the countries or go out to eat in a pub. It’s undoubtedly a pleasure and is as much a part of traveling as the Amen in church. To prevent deficiency symptoms in the body, we have therefore been taking food supplements from SANATUR Gesellschaft für Naturprodukte mbH for years. There is no doubt that in this way you can counteract cramps, vitamin deficiencies and other mineral deficiencies etc. in good time and keep your body fit. We now know that this dietary supplement makes real sense and helps to increase the strength to persevere.

At the end of our long thanksgiving we do not forget to mention PRIMAVERA LIFE GmbH. Over the last 20 years of traveling, it was not uncommon for us to fall into a moral low. Be it through illness, physical or mental injury or homesickness, to name just a few of the many possibilities. We never had anything to sweeten the mood until we came across PRIMAVERA. “That’s the idea,” we were delighted at the suggestion to take some scented oil or incense sticks with us. The world of scents should definitely not be underestimated, as smell is one of our sensory organs. Now, when things are not exactly rosy for us, when the mood slips into the cellar, Tanja lights a wonderful stick of incense and lo and behold the mood lifts instantly. Not always, but the chances are good. Even if it smells awful in one or the other accommodation or our clothes, which we can’t always wash, are musty, we spray the essential oil into the air and we feel better. Even if you may doubt our words here, we have tried it and it works. That’s why the 50 gr. light bottle with the fragrant oil always has a place in our equipment.

We look forward to your comments!

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