In the wilderness
N 68°57'18.3'' E 015°26'28.0''Date:
Day: 063
In the wilderness
Daily kilometers:
63 km
Total kilometers:
5507 km
Soil condition:
Asphalt / unpaved
07:16 a.m.
6:18 pm
Temperature day max:
Night temperature min:
Time of departure:
1:00 p.m.
Arrival time:
3:00 p.m.
(Photos of the diary entry can be found at the end of the text).
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“We have to turn off here,” I say a little later, as the narrow road forks. “Are you sure?” asks Tanja. “I think so. Stefan talked about a gravel path that winds along the east coast of the island. It must be right here. If it’s wrong, we can turn back,” I say, shift into first gear and let the Terra roll onto the path. A few hundred meters further on, a sign warns us to proceed at our own risk. “Finally a bit of off-road again,” I say happily as the first holes and hollows appear in the track ahead of us. Suddenly an off-road vehicle comes towards us. With screeching brakes, the driver pulls up next to us and asks me with hand signals to lower the window. “I wouldn’t drive any further here with your motorhome. It will be narrow and very full of holes,” he warns us. “Our expedition vehicle has 24 gears and three differential locks. I think that should work. If not, we’ll turn back,” I say, thanking them for the information. “Whatever you say,” he replies with a smile, lets his engine roar to life and drives on. “Anyone who has traveled north of the Russian Arctic Circle should easily get through here,” I’m sure. “You have to know what you’re doing,” says Tanja. “Of course I know what I’m doing. The few bumps in the ground are a joke for our Terra,” I reply with a laugh. The slope is now bordered on both sides by golden-yellow deciduous trees, which are so close together in some places that one or two protruding branches drag along the cabin with a squeaking noise. If we hadn’t joined an extreme off-road expedition in Russia last year, my pulse would be racing by now at the latest. I catch Tanja’s eyes in the corner of my eye. “No problem,” I say, more to reassure myself. I steer our mobile home through the narrow passages at walking pace. “Oh, look at this wonderful place!” I cheer, pointing to a green meadow where a wooden bench encourages you to stay. “There’s even a fireplace,” says Tanja happily. “Our place for the night?” I ask. “Our place for the night,” Tanja agrees, getting out to check the meadow for firmness. “Looks good!” her voice sounds through the walkie-talkie, whereupon I maneuver the 6.2-ton Terra Love onto the small, treeless area. Just a few minutes later, we are sitting on the wooden bench looking out over an island covered in mountains. At this moment, the bright yellow ball of the sun sits on the jagged edges of the mountain silhouette, which spreads out like a silhouette on the horizon line…