Green vein
N 51°33'337'' E 099°15'341''Day: 251
Total kilometers:
Soil condition:
Ice, snow
Temperature – Day (maximum):
minus 3°C
Temperature – day (minimum):
minus 8°C
Temperature – Night:
minus 14°C
Maximum height:
1981 m above sea level
Dear reader of our blog
We are happy to write down our experiences here. We are happy to share our experiences with you. However, our life project “The Great Journey” also has a meaning for us, a deeper meaning. We no longer expose ourselves to such efforts just for the sake of it. We have experienced too much for that. Of course, our motivation is still to experience peoples, cultures, their customs and traditions. We are still exploring the unknown corners of our mother earth with an unquenched thirst for knowledge. It gives us energy and purpose in life. However, despite all the positives, we have also experienced many of the downsides of human civilization. We have seen with our own eyes a tremendous amount of human suffering and environmental destruction. We feel a deep need to commit ourselves to Mother Earth, to whom we feel deeply connected. We want to look at what we can do and achieve – and not just lament and condemn grievances. All people bear responsibility for their actions. In 2007, we launched the “Green Vein” project. We are asking our readers to support the reforestation of our forests. Together we can make a contribution to the recovery of our life platform. So that our children can still hear birds chirping and see real trees tomorrow, so that life remains worth living for future generations.”
We have no personal benefit from the tree planting project. Instead, all donations – a tree can be purchased and planted for the equivalent of five euros – go exclusively to the mountain forest project www.bergwaldprojekt.de. Its volunteers will also plant the trees where they are needed. The project draws attention to the problems of the forest and provides targeted practical help. It therefore offers people from different walks of life and organizations the opportunity to get involved in forest ecosystems by participating in project weeks and providing technical or material support. The mountain forest project thus actively promotes near-natural forest conversion and ecological forest use. The donation address is: Bergwaldprojekt e.V., keyword: Grüne Ader, GLS Gemeinschaftsbank, BLZ 430 609 67, account number 8022 916 200.
You can find more information on our website under the button: “Green vein”
Mother Earth is alive!
We look forward to your comments!