DVD – Yanomami Indians – Venezuela

DVD – Yanomami Indians – Venezuela
9,90 € incl. 19% VAT
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DVD – “Yanomami Indians” – Venezuela – Image and film impressions from 1,000 images and 8 hours of film Playing time 34 minutes
DVD description:
Yanomami Indians – Venezuela
300 km on foot through the impenetrable jungle of the Orinoco spring region
In the shadow of dusk
First contact with the Yanomami Indians
“Aaauuuu, aaauuu!” comes from all sides. Seconds later, we are surrounded by the warriors of the village, who wave machetes and axes wildly in front of our heads. “Aaauuu, aaauuu!” they roar incessantly and dance ecstatically around us. We still stand there transfixed and do our best not to show any fear. Otherwise we would lose face in front of the proud warriors.
After a while, a couple of Yanomami wave us under the roof of the shabono of the Indian village and show us a place for our hammocks. We are therefore accepted as guests. We are served wild turkey meat and banana soup. We smack our lips appreciatively. Almost the whole village gathers around us in the meantime. Speeches are made that we cannot understand. Some of the Indians sit close to us and touch us with their bodies and hands. We are constantly being hugged. Physical contact is a matter of course for them. For me it is an overwhelming experience, almost intoxicating, to be welcomed so lovingly by a warlike tribe that is often described as bloodthirsty. We found our destination here in this village after a grueling 200-kilometre walk through the Venezuelan rainforest. At last we can recover from the hardships and live with people who have never had any contact with white men before.
During this expedition, we documented the lives of this tribe to raise awareness of their demise in our western world. Since the conquest of Brazil, it is estimated that 6.8 million Indians of all indigenous peoples in South America have been killed (figures from 1987). Just under 440,000 are said to be left. Can the Yanomami people, witnesses to the root of humanity, be saved from the fate of extinction?
The footage on this DVD has absolute rarity value today. The DVD is a contemporary document of the Yanomami Indians, who hardly exist in this form any more.
We will be happy to sign the book on request. Please let us know your signature requirements in the order email.
Images and film clips from the DVD form the basis of many publications and reports.
Print media:
Nürnberger Nachrichten, Nordbayerische Zeitung, Abendzeitung, Bild and Funk
Radio interviews:
Radio Gong Nürnberg, Bayerischer Rundfunk B2, Bayerischer Rundfunk B3
Television station:
Bayerischer Rundfunk Franken Schau, Bayerisches Fernsehen – Live aus dem Schlachthof, ZDF – Großer Preis, Tele Fünf München