DVD – Original people of the Yali – West New Guinea

DVD – Original people of the Yali – West New Guinea
9,90 € incl. 19% VAT
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DVD – “Original People of the Yali” – West New Guinea – Image and film impressions from 1,500 images and 10 hours of film Playing time 34 minutes
DVD description:

Indigenous people of the Yali – West New Guinea
First contact with a ritually cannibalistic people
In the circle of faces
500 km on foot through the impenetrable mountain jungle of Irian Jaya
After the last bend finally opens up the view of the village, we stand transfixed. Around 70 men from the mountain settlement have gathered and are looking down on us from the hill.
For weeks we have been marching through the central highlands of Irian Jaya in search of first contact with the Yalis, a tribe considered to be cannibalistic. We struggle 500 km through the rainy jungle, and suddenly our dream comes true. We watch nervously as two young warriors armed with axes, beautifully painted and adorned with white feathers, break away from the group and run straight down the hill towards us. We too are now walking towards the whale inhabitants, with a queasy feeling in our stomachs. The fierce-looking warriors are smeared with pig fat and earth colors, large boar’s teeth sticking out of the sides of their noses. There are decorated bamboo tubes in the ears. Almost every one of the figures is adorned with beautiful feathers shimmering in all colors. Around 50 warriors rattle their bows and arrows and shout excitedly. We don’t yet know whether they are well-disposed towards us…
We also documented the lives of the Yalis on this expedition in order to draw attention to the demise of all Papuan peoples in our western world. Since Indonesia annexed West Papua in 1963, more than 100,000 of the former 700,000 Papuans have lost their lives in often brutal violence. There are reports of the Indonesian military wiping out entire villages without being prosecuted. An Indonesian soldier can kill a Papuan at any time, in any place, for any reason, with impunity. Murder, torture and arrests are still the order of the day. It is doubtful whether the Papuans will survive the Indonesian government’s criminal genocide.
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The footage on this DVD has absolute rarity value today. The DVD is a contemporary document of the indigenous Yali people, who hardly exist in this form any more.
We will be happy to sign the book on request. Please let us know your signature requirements in the order email.
Images and film clips from the DVD form the basis of many publications and reports.
Print media:
Magazin Video Filmen, Magazin Foto Populär, Outdoor Magazin, Nordbayerische Zeitung, Nürnberger Nachrichten, Abendzeitung, Mecklenburgische Zeitung, Nordbayerischer Kurier, Foto Populär
Radio interviews:
Radio Gong Nuremberg, Radio Franken, Bayerischer Rundfunk B3
Television station:
SAT 1 – Das große Bayern Quiz, Bayerischer Rundfunk Franken Schau, Bayerisches Fernsehen – Live aus dem Schlachthof, ZDF – Großer Preis, Tele Fünf München