DVD – Auca Indians – Ecuador

DVD – Auca Indians – Ecuador
9,90 € incl. 19% VAT
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DVD – “Auca Indians” – Ecuador – Image and film impressions from 1,000 images. Playing time 30 minutes
DVD description:
Auca Indians – Ecuador
Contact with the once most dangerous Indians on the upper reaches of the Amazon
DVD – Auca Indians – Ecuador
Cannibals on the Rio Shiripuno?
Rare contact with the legendary Auca Indians
Suddenly there is uproar and shouting. The Auca Indians gather around two large pots in the straw hut, which is only lit by the fire. The huge containers remind Denis Katzer of cannibal stories in Africa, in which people were cooked according to old tales. Women, men and children unabashedly reach in with their hands and fish out bones and pieces of meat.
“Ööörrrr!”, the eating noises demand the adventurer’s attention. Curious, he approaches to see what is simmering in the pots. Denis jumps back a step in horror as his gaze discovers vertebrae, hands and limbs of all kinds in one of the pots. His eyes wander into the other pot as if hypnotized. He is gripped by naked horror, nausea and fear when he sees the burst heads with shaved hair and bulging eyes in his own brew. “Cannibalism!” he shouts with a huff. Gallo, his friend and guide, laughs out loud. “What’s there to laugh about?” asks Denis in horror. “Only mono” (monkeys), he says…
Denis Katzer undertook his first expedition to the Amazon headwaters back in 1987. Just a few weeks earlier, the Indians killed four engineers in defense of their land. Only a few groups of gatherers and hunters still roam the farthest corners of the green hell as they always have. The vast majority of aucas, who call themselves Huarani, humans, have long since had to give up their original life. Their misfortune is that they live on huge oil deposits.
The footage on this DVD has absolute rarity value today. The DVD is a contemporary document of an ethnic group that will never exist in this form again.
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Images and film clips from the DVD form the basis of many publications and reports.
Print media:
Nürnberger Nachrichten, Abendzeitung, Adventure & Travel magazine
Radio interviews:
Radio Gong Nürnberg, Bayerischer Rundfunk B2, Bayerischer Rundfunk B3
Television station:
Bavarian Broadcasting Franconia Show