N 53°12'02.1'' E 050°06'00.8''Day: 3
05:27 pm
9:45 pm
Total kilometers:
6883.92 Km
After 48 hours of sleep, our tiredness has subsided somewhat. We are still not fit but ready to start our final preparations. After the monastery breakfast at 11:30 a.m., I start getting our riese und müller bikes ready for the journey. The nuns have placed them in a narrow corridor not far from our room, with the shower room and toilet leading off to the left and right. Here I can screw in peace and quiet. I take my time, because as of now we have left stress and hectic behind. Here in the monastery, the clocks tick differently anyway. It’s really good to slow down and get into the new rhythm. Dinner is served in the afternoon at 15:30. By then at the latest, I pack up my wrenches and get back to eating.
In the evening, we stroll along the Volga. The first few days are pleasantly warm. Here the Russians enjoy themselves in the many open pubs, restaurants and tents. Music booms out of loudspeakers and is usually interrupted by live singing. Shashlik, large steaks and all kinds of pork-filled dumplings are on offer at every corner. Beer flows in streams. There is exuberant dancing, flirting and cuddling. A stark contrast to monastic life. As the sun doesn’t set until around 21:30, the evenings are long. Although we feel very comfortable in the monastery, we also enjoy the hustle and bustle of a different world.