Computer problems
Temperature - Day (maximum):
approx. 30 degrees
Anna Plains Station – 16.05.2001
In the evening, I write our story again. When I try to drag a copy to the floppy disk drive, it does not work. Without suspecting a problem I take another disk and lo and behold it works. I now write on the Toughbook from Panasonic. This highly robust computer, for the toughest use, was provided to us by the company IME. The managing director, Mr. Hilbert, is an extremely friendly and nice person who supports us with all his know-how, his team and his personality. I’m glad to have such a professional partner in the background, because you never know when computers will stop working for you.
Satisfied, I make another copy and suddenly the computer wants to format the disk. Now a little nervous, I try another disk, with the same negative result. Exasperated, I repeat the process with 10 or 15 disks without success. “Something has destroyed our disks,” I grumble, swearing as I often do about technology and computers in particular. They are very helpful, but only if they work without complications. Thank God I still have the old Smilecomputer whose manufacturer stopped production about two years ago. The copy works on the Smile, so it’s not because of the disks. To be on the safe side, I insert the floppy disk that just worked with the Smile into the Toughbook. It does not work. Then I take it and try the smile again. Suddenly nothing happens there either.
I sit there pondering what could have destroyed our disks. I urgently need a copy of the Smile laptop to import it into the Toughbook. By way of explanation, I would like to mention here that the Smile is only used as a back-up device. My work computer is the Panasonic, which is also used for the satellite transmissions for the website. Unfortunately, there is still data on the old Smile that I urgently need to transfer to the Toughbook. But it doesn’t work without floppy disks. I immediately call IME. Michael, the technician suggests that I install the replacement disk drive, but to no avail. The phone calls go back and forth for a long time until it turns out that the drive of the Toughbook must be defective and has destroyed all the disks I inserted. “We’ll send you a new drive straight away. However, it’s coming from Sydney and will take 10 days to arrive at Anna Plains. I hope you’re still there at that time,” says Michael. “I think so, a thousand thanks for your quick and reliable help,” I reply, hoping to get it in time before we start our expedition.
By now it is pitch dark outside. Millions of beetles fly around the light on the terrace and seem to be fighting for the best spot. Some of them race against the windows and doors like madmen. They make a rattling noise on impact. Frogs croak and thousands of tiny mini flies find their way into our living room. Tanja is cooking and fighting against the sea of insects. They keep falling into the pots on the stove. Every morning, countless dead flies lie on the floor or in the cobwebs hanging on the walls. Even a modern house like this apparently has hidden little passages that are used by the insect inferno to pay people a visit.