Camels found & visas arrived
Temperature - Day (maximum):
Rain and snow
Germany – 25.03.2001 – 01.04.2001
“I’ve found your camels! They are at the border to Mandora Station. I’ve been watching them with binoculars. They seem to be healthy,” David calls happily into the phone. “Great! Fantastic! You’re a treasure!” I cheer and dance excitedly around my office. “We’ll have to water it when we meet again. Can you catch them?” “No problem. Over the next few days, I’ll try to herd them into one of the smaller cattle enclosures. There’s plenty of food and water there. Then when you come, we’ll bring them back to the farm,” David replies, also euphoric. When I tell Tanja the good news, tears of joy roll down her cheeks. Our family, friends and acquaintances are also as happy as if they had been given a personal gift. Spurred on by this extremely positive news, we mobilize all our strength to prepare for our departure to Australia and take care of everything that still needs to be done. It is a pleasant time and when the long-awaited visa arrives, nothing can stop us. “Australia here we come!”, I soon shout every day, looking out of my office window into the rainy German sky.