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Link to the diary: TRANS-OST-EXPEDITION - Stage 1

A sun-drenched morning

N 47°39'573'' E 008°58'307''
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    Day: 4

    05:54 pm

    9:06 pm

    As the crow flies:
    22.4 Km

    Daily kilometers:
    30,35 Km

    Total kilometers:
    168.15 Km

    Soil condition:
    Asphalt, gravel

    Temperature – Day (maximum):
    38 °C

    Temperature – day (minimum):
    30 °C

    Temperature – Night:
    20 °C



    Maximum height:
    450 m above sea level

    Time of departure:
    11.00 a.m.

    Arrival time:
    3.00 p.m.

    Average speed:
    11.35 Km/h

A sun-drenched morning wakes us up. Tanja and I look at each other. “It was a stupid day yesterday.” “Right, today will definitely be better,” I reply, whereupon we hug each other and continue our journey with renewed confidence. Just an hour later we reach Constance again, leave Switzerland, only to re-enter Switzerland from Germany a few moments later. We find a restaurant on the lakeshore and enjoy the view of the Swabian Sea, which doesn’t look so enormous at this point. At 570 square kilometers, Lake Constance is the third largest lake in Central Europe after Hungary’s Lake Balaton and Lake Geneva and brings together three countries on its shores. As we feel a little more energy in us today, we have a view of the wonderful, even dreamlike landscape again. The temperatures even rise to 38° in the shade today. To avoid exhausting ourselves like yesterday, we push our bikes to a campsite in the early afternoon. “I would love to cool off my body in the lake. Do you think that would work?” asks Tanja. “Sure, I’ll look after the equipment until then.” Despite our extensive luggage, we saved every gram. That’s why Tanja goes swimming in her bra and cycling shorts and not in a bikini like all the other girls and women here.

Unfortunately, we can’t go swimming together. One of us always has to stay with the camp. We don’t want to accuse the campground residents of stealing, but we have had a few bad experiences while traveling. It’s not worth the pleasure of leaving a satellite phone, a very valuable laptop from Itronix plus the cameras in the tent just like that. If only some of the expensive equipment is stolen, our documentation of the trip is over for the time being.

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