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Russia/Krasnoyarsk Link to the diary: TRANS-OST-EXPEDITION - Stage 3

48 hours!

N 56°28'21.2'' E 084°57'28.2''
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    Day: 117

    06:51 am

    7:38 pm

    Total kilometers:
    10677.67 Km

    Temperature – Day (maximum):
    4 °C

    Temperature – day (minimum):
    1 °C

    Temperature – Night:
    4 °C



Because our laundry needs 48 hours to get reasonably dry, we are forced to stay a day longer in the hotel in Tomsk. “When you consider that this small room without heating, toilet and shower costs 1,800 roubles (51.50 euros) a day and we only have to stay an extra night because of the wet clothes, it’s the most expensive wash of our lives,” I think. “That’s right. It’s best not to think about it too much and use the time for our documentation work,” Tanja suggests. “Okay, you’re right,” I reply. “I’ll go and find an Internet café. Maybe I can answer a few emails,” says Tanja a little later. “Good idea,” I say somewhat apathetically. When Tanja closes the door behind her, I sit back down on the uncomfortable wooden chair and look out of the window. Low-hanging, heavy rain clouds pass by, drenching the city and its inhabitants with incessant drizzle. My mood is not exactly at its peak. The thermometer doesn’t rise above four degrees today. I’m shivering even in our room. I turn my eyes away from the unpleasant sight of the wet roofs and gray sky and look at the densely packed washing line that is criss-crossing our small 10-square-meter abode. It’s damp and cold in here too. I put on another undershirt. “A hot shower will lift your spirits,” I think to myself, which is why I go out into the corridor to check whether the bathroom, which is used by five rooms, is free. “What a bummer,” I curse quietly as the water comes out of the pipe lukewarm. “What’s wrong with you? Nothing bad has happened. Just damp and a bit of rain. That’s all,” I hear my inner voice. “Just moisture and a little rain? What do you actually mean here? It’s almost 600 kilometers to Krasnoyarsk and 1,700 kilometers to Irkutsk. If it gets any colder, and we can assume it will, it will be difficult to cover the distance this year.” “So what? Who told you the distance? Did anyone ask you to cycle to Irkutsk this year? That’s entirely your own decision. Your own set goal. So don’t put yourself under pressure. Let it flow. Have faith in yourself, in me and everything that is. That’s what we’ve been preaching to you for years in the deserts of Australia,” I hear and am surprised, because I’m aware of hearing the voice of Mother Earth again after a long time. “Oh, it’s nice to hear from you again after such a long time. Thought you’d left me?” “I will never leave you.” “But I haven’t heard from you for months?” “You haven’t called me either.” “Haven’t I?” “No. You didn’t need my advice. You’ve solved the challenges of the last few months yourself.” “Hm, I didn’t realize that. And now I’ve asked for help?” “Your subconscious asked for help.” “My subconscious?” “Yes.” “So that’s my subconscious taking care of itself,” I try to be a little funny. “So you mean I don’t need to worry about the ever colder days and the coming winter?” I ask. “No. As I said, let it flow. Stay attentive and aware and don’t burden yourself unnecessarily with negative thoughts,” I hear and feel my inner tension release a little.

Field service


There was a lot for me to do in the field. I call it field service when I take care of registrations, purchases, spare parts or the Internet. While Denis is busy writing down our experiences, I stroll through the streets of Tomsk and see what’s going on.

The weather has taken a really quick turn and I see many people already dressed in thick jackets and coats. We sniff and cough. Despite the constant wetness, sweating and being outside so much, we didn’t catch a cold. I am sure that we will continue to stay healthy. In any case, I’m making this a firm resolution for Denis and me! It is not for nothing that I have been cycling thousands of kilometers with our Sanatur nutritional supplement.

Since we unfortunately cannot always eat the way we would normally like to, BioSpirulina is very important for us. With over 50 vital substances, for example high-quality plant protein with all eight essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, I can describe BioSpirulina as an ideal source of nutrition. Knowing that we still have plenty of magnesium, calcium, organic acerola and omega 3 fatty acids with us reassures me and I’m in good spirits about the journey ahead.

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