Green vein grown!
N 52°18'18.0'' E 076°55'49.8''Day: 96-97
05:52 – 05:53
19:56 – 19:54
Total kilometers:
9756.47 Km
Temperature – Day (maximum):
26 °C
Temperature – day (minimum):
19 °C
Maximum height:
138 m above sea level
Dear readers of our diary!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you very much for the growth of the Green Vein. 650 euros have been received in the last few weeks. This means that you have given life to 130 trees and thus made an important contribution to our Mother Earth.
A total of 11,530 euros, or 2306 trees, have been financed by you and many friends so far. This is already a considerable number and shows that our Green Vein is no longer a baby and already has a length of 2306 kilometers. If one tree were planted per kilometer, a green vein would have been created from Lake Constance to the Carpathians. Fantastic!
Our aim is to draw a green vein from Germany to the Far East. At least 25,000 kilometers by bike. That means at least 25,000 trees. This number would be a measurable contribution to our plagued Mother Earth.
A tree costs only ? 5,-. The trees are used to regenerate degraded and non-viable forests in Germany. We need healthy primary forests. This means that there are hardly any surviving primeval forests left. Forests are being cleared all over the world. We want to do something about this with our joint efforts. Giving something back to Mother Earth that we take away every day. We believe that the children of future generations should also have a chance of survival. Please help us to create something. So that people in the future will still be able to hear birds chirping and sit in the shade of a tree.
You can find information about the Green Vein on our website.
The donations do not benefit us financially in the slightest. Everything you give goes to Mother Earth!!! We guarantee this with our life project and our name.
Donations are very welcome at:
Bergwaldprojekt e.V.
Keyword:Green vein
GLS Community Bank
SORT CODE 43060967
Account number 8022916200
Mother Earth is alive!