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Storm, snow and carried from the energy of the country

N 49°30'504'' E 100°46'286''

At 7:00 o’clock whips a violent storm rain against the tent square. I pull the sleeping-bag over my head to fade out the disagreeable noise. At 8:00 o’clock I wake up again. The beating rain noise has changed. The gravity of the falling drops is absent. ÑIs it snowing?ì, asks Tanja quietly. “Yes”, I answer ÑWe sit in the middle of a grey cloud cover and everything around us is whiteì, I say immediately drawing my head back into the tent and draw the zipper for closing it. ÑWhat do we make now?ì, asks Tanja shivering. ÑWe sleep one more hour. Nothing to hear from Bilgee and Ulziiì, I mean to myself and pull back into my sleeping bag. At 9:00 o’clock it is still snowing. We hear no sound from Bilgee and Ulzii. Obviously the both also do not have the slightest desire to put down the camp and travel in this snowy weather. At 9:30 o’clock I am still undecided whether we stay or we go. I hear the zipper from the tent of our men. ÑI must speak with Bilgeeì, I give myself a jerk. Protecting my self before the cold I put on two long underpants, two pair of woolen socks, one pair of thick expedition socks, thermo wind stopper trousers, three woolen shirts, a short vest and one more jacket a woolen cap and gloves. Bilgee appears by chance at the same time before his tent. ÑWhat should we make? Should we stay or should we travel?ì, I ask him. ÑWhat do you think?ì ÑI do not know. Maybe stay?ì, I say. ÑGood decisionì, I understand him. ÑThen lets us move the fireplace to the other side of the horse carriage. There it is sheltered from the windì. Quick we carry the stones of the fireplace in the windbreak of the carriage and build them up new. While Bilgee is making fire I hang the tarpaulin also on the other side of the horse carriage so Mogi can hide behind it. Quick the water cooks in the pot. Tanja also comes now out from the tent and gets out of the kitchen box one packet of Muesli and everything else what we need for a breakfast in the tent. A little bit later we sit in a good mood in our fabric house, drinking tea and eating muesli and a few ribs of chocolate. We listen to the rustling snowflakes. The mountains round us are powdered white. Sitting in our sleeping-bags we enjoy having nothing to do right now. It is wonderful to have time just for our thoughts and the freedom of our thoughts. In Germany there are such moments for us very seldom. And here in the wilderness we are occupied every day with the survival and travels. Here, I feel the freedom of thoughts. Here my thoughts are not constantly overturning and repeating. A dream nothing is to be thought. It indicates to feel the true rest in the brain. Only in the deserts which Tanja and me crossed during the last 20 years I have perceived this internal rest. Mostly it has taken one months till the steam of thoughts has diminished. Here in Mongolia this state has entered very fast. Tanja and I speak often about it. And she is feeling the same. We think it has something to do with the energy of this country. For us Mongolia is a special country. A country with special oscillation. We feel like our body and mind is swinging on the same frequency of this country.

We are carried by one moment to the other. From here to there. Everything what happens proves a sense. We also do not want to value at all whether it feels well or bad and let it happen. If it is snowing then it is just snowing. If it is cold it is cold and when we hunger feel then we feel hunger. It is nicely to be in this oscillation and we hope that we are carried long by this oscillation.

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