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Saddle construction

N 49°42'773'' E 100°11'497''

Because Bilgee now really does not come any more we will not travel on as planned with our horse carriage. We travel the 400 kilometers to Erdenet with ride and packhorses. Because our horses have some pressure points from the saddles we reorganize the trip and exchange four saddles.

Tanja comes back in the evening from Mörön and has brought a Mongolian of wood made saddle. Doubtfully I consider the thing. Also our neighbour Ilchelaugsuren sells his old saddle to us. Because he rounds since some years his animals by the motorbike up he does not need it any more and leaves to us the scruffy thing for 20,000 Tugrik. (12€). Njamka and her mother Badamsuren announce an inquiry after a Russian saddle at the market of Mörön.

Russian saddles are a little more comfortable than Mongolian wooden saddles. Their rack exists of wood and iron. A pillow rests on it. Such a saddle comes from longest forgotten time. Even it is hardly possible in the region around Mörön to get a used Russian saddle our announcement at the market was heard.

Njamka, her sister Zulaa and mother Badamsuren appear in the camp unexpectedly by a minibus. They bring an old shepherd with who wants to sell his old Russian saddle. We use the time to announce Mogi and Badamsuren with each other. Without question the meeting is love on first sight.

Badamsuren takes a biscuit in her mouth, throws herself down on the ground and stretches her face to our dog. Mogi cannot believe what is offered to him there and tears the biscuit vehemently from her lips. To the general enthusiasm the woman repeats the play some more times. ÑHe likes meì, she says triumphing.

The coming days I am occupied with working on the saddles to equip new straps with buckles. Every saddle must be made individually. To get the holes in the tapes I heat up a nail on our stove, squeeze it with the tongs and burn them in the tape.
To adapt the wooden saddles also ergonomically to the horse backs they must be brought with the wooden file in form. The backs of Sar, Tenger and Bor serve as a presentation. Whenever it of miseries is I attach the file once more to make up.

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